Community Matters

Community Matters Conference

Community Matters Poster

Elizabeth Smart

"The abduction of Elizabeth Smart was one of the most followed child abduction cases of our time. Elizabeth was abducted on June 5, 2002, and her captors controlled her by threatening to kill her and her family if she tried to escape. Fortunately, the police safely returned Elizabeth back to her family on March 12, 2003, after being held a prisoner for 9 grueling months.

     Through this traumatic experience, Elizabeth has become an advocate for change related to child abduction, recovery programs, and National legislation. Elizabeth triumphantly testified before her captor and the world about the very private nightmare she suffered during her abduction, which led to conviction.

     The Founder of the “Elizabeth Smart Foundation”, Elizabeth has also helped promote The National AMBER Alert, The Adam Walsh Child Protection & Safety Act and other safety legislation to help prevent abductions."

About Elizabeth. Elizabeth Smart. (n.d.).

Cole Parkinson

"Our world of technology is evolving every day, which means as consumers we can benefit from the rich tools that strengthen our society, families and individuals. Unfortunately I see too many cases of coping and numbing real world experiences via screen time. My goals include sharpening our habits around technology use and improving education for young people. In my research in the field of Sport Psychology, concepts such as Confidence, Focus and Motivation are necessary to overcoming emotional challenges. I have had an amazing experience working with youth on this topic. Speaking to over 80,000 youth every year in this charge to better ourselves as we adapt to a world of technology."

Cole Parkinson - Director of Net Positive - LinkedIn. (n.d.). logo

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